Our story12.08.2022

Super Sunday with Auto Achieve

It would be an understatement to say that I was excited when I first learned that Auto Achieve would visit the River Humber on her maiden voyage. These days it is quite unusual to see a UECC vessel on 'my' river, especially one of pioneering multi fuel vessels that we at UECC have become synonymous with.

Living close to the landmark of Spurn Point at the mouth of estuary, I convinced myself that it would be a good idea to cycle to the Point so I could watch at close quarters as the Achieve sailed upriver.

Hitching up my son Barnaby to the back of the bike, I told him we were going on an adventure to see a cool ship (the poor boy, he really has no hope). 14km and many minutes later, it turns out cycling on a beach is no walk in the park, we settled down onto the sand to welcome Captain Henryk and his crew to the finest river in the kingdom.


Just as we sat down, the bow of the vessel came into view from behind the dunes. We quickly sent up our drone and set off in hot pursuit of the vessel as she sailed toward the Grimsby River Terminal.


As the vessel sailed beyond the drone's range, we packed up our belongings and made the journey back home. After a much-needed refuelling (it is my job after all), and with tired little legs fast asleep in bed, I set off to visit the vessel at the terminal (it's 12km as the crow flies, but a 160km round trip by road...)

Arriving to the vessel after 2100hrs, I was warmly welcomed by security guard Vitor and 3/off Bart, before reuniting with Capt Henryk and C/E Marcin who I had last seen at the UECC Gathering. After a cup of tea and a chat about the voyage, football, LNG and everything inbetween, I set off home for a well deserved sleep!

Thank you to the crew of Auto Achieve for making me so very welcome, and I hope it's not long until I can welcome you to my 'home' again!
